Brightline Lawyers provides specialised services—legal services relating to technology, intellectual property and brand—to established and start-up businesses, and entrepreneurial individuals.
As specialists, we provide only the services which we are well qualified to provide and in which we have significant experience. This means we do not waste time or costs in unnecessary research or false starts. Where requirements fall outside the scope of our expertise, we can provide referrals to other lawyers or firms.
Our approach to costs is open and transparent. We understand that clients value certainty, and we are usually able to provide fixed-price quotations for the costs of the work we are asked do within a particular scope. Naturally, where scope or external circumstances change, we may need to update our pricing. However, we find that our clients much prefer fixed-price quotes to open-ended charges on a per-hour basis.
We endeavour to add value with whatever task we are asked to address. We will suggest options and alternatives, rather than progressing a task which may not be the most fruitful. We keep one particular goal in mind: our clients' success.
Brightline Lawyers ABN 33 797 195 526
Liability limited by a scheme approved
under professional standards legislation